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The Bridge
Zion Evangelical Church
“For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 6:23 NIV

God made us in love for his glory.

Shortly after creation humankind rebelled against God and became separated from God by sin. As a result we are sinful by nature and have all gone our own way. All our efforts to do good things fall short of bringing us back to God. The result of this separation is death (physically, relationally and spiritually).

Jesus bridged the gap between us and God when he surrendered his life on the cross. He paid the price for our sin with his own blood so we could receive the gift of eternal life.

Receiving this gift is as simple as A & B: Fully trust God by…
A. Admitting to him that you are separated from him by sin.
B. Believing that Jesus died for your sins and that God raised him from the dead.

When you put your trust in Jesus, God promises you:

E – Eternal Life – this is God’s Gift to you as a believer.
S – Sins Forgiven – this is what Jesus did for you on the cross by his shed blood.
P – Personal Relationship – God’s Spirit makes his home within you.
N – Never Leave – God is faithful to all who trust in him; he will never leave you or forsake you.

Once you have begun this new life with God you are invited to be one who GROWS strong:

G – Go to God often in prayer – prayer is talking with God – tell him what’s in your heart.
R – Read God’s Word the Bible – it will nourish your soul. Start with the Gospel of John.
O – Others – build friendships with other believers through a Bible believing Church, we welcome you!
W – Witness – tell others about your trust in Jesus.
S – Serve – this is where God’s love shows itself in the details of your life.


1. God loves us and we matter to Him. He made us to have a relationship with him.

2. We have a problem. We have rebelled against God. Both actively and passively, we've all disobeyed Him. This is sin and it has separated us from God, and broken off the relationship. In our effort get back to Him, we try many things like being a helpful neighbor, paying our taxes, going to church, etc. There's nothing wrong with these, but the Bible makes it clear that none of them can earn us God's forgiveness or re-establish our relationship with Him. In addition, the sins we've committed must be punished, and the penalty we owe is death, which means both physical death as well as spiritual separation from God for eternity, in a place called hell.
3. God has a remedy for our sin and it came by His Son Jesus Christ’s death on the cross. When Christ voluntarily died on the cross, he took our place. He paid the penalty for our sins and bridged the Gap for us.
4. Christ made it possible to cross over to God and have a relationship with him, but we need to take action that demonstrates that we believe in what Christ has done for us. Praying to God we need to agree with God that we have sinned and receive Jesus as payment for our sins. He paid the price so we could have the gift of eternal life through faith in him. Our relationship with God is firmly established, because we're immediately adopted into His family as His son or daughter.
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